Research Projects

Floquet Engineering-based Frequency Demodulation Method in Nanoscale

An analytical study was presented, examining the electrical conductivity of a dressed 2D semiconductor quantum well. Through numerical calculations utilizing the analytical approach, insights were obtained and a methodology was proposed to detect and decipher wireless communication signals in nanoscale.

Optimization for Schottky Junction-based Surface Plasmonic Waveguides

A comprehensive theoretical framework was introduced for predicting the propagation characteristics of SPP modes at a Schottky junction exposed to a dressing electromagnetic field. The general linear response theory was applied towards a periodically driven many-body quantum system, resulting in an explicit expression for the dielectric function of the dressed metal. Through the developed theory and related numerical calculations, an unexplored mechanism for enhancing the SPP propagation length without altering other SPP characteristics was revealed.

Polarization Effect on Dressed Plasmonic Waveguides

In this detailed analysis, the polarization effect on surface plasmonic polariton (SPP) modes in plasmonic waveguides under high-intensity radiation is examined through the utilization of Floquet engineering methods. The impact of two distinct types of polarization in dressing fields, namely linear polarization and circular polarization, is investigated. The influence of chirality is explored by analyzing both left-handed and right-handed circular polarization within the context of circular polarization.

Dressed Surface Plasmon Polariton Modes in Plasmonic Waveguides

A comprehensive study was conducted on the propagation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) on planar metallic waveguides under a dressing field. Analytical calculations of the periodic time-dependent Schrödinger equation were performed to examine the interaction between an intense electromagnetic field and a metallic system. Additionally, a novel approach was presented in this study to reduce losses in plasmonic materials using the dressing field. To assess the efficacy of the findings, a figure of merit was introduced for comparing the performance of plasmonic metals when subjected to a dressing field.

Dressed Quantum Hall Systems

Presented a generalized mathematical model for predicting the transport properties of a quantum system exposed to a stationary magnetic field and a high-intensity electromagnetic field. The new formulation, which applies to two-dimensional dressed quantum Hall systems, is based on Landau quantization theory and the Floquet-Drude conductivity approach.

Scalable Autonomous Agronomical Smartbot 

Personal and medium scale farming has exhibited a declining trend over the past few decades. Individuals are facing demotivation to participate in farming activities due to time constraints and the superior effectiveness of large-scale farming. Nonetheless, there is a significant health concern associated with the consumption of these products. They are cultivated using artificial fertilizers and contain residues of insecticides and pesticides. The incorporation of automation has the potential to reinvigorate personal and medium scale farming by reducing the time demands and enhancing farming efficiency. The proposed solution, the Scalable Autonomous Agronomical Smartbot (SAASbot), strives to automate farming activities such as seed planting, watering, fertilization, and weed removal. Furthermore, it offers a scalable robotic platform tailored for personal to medium scale farming. This project presented the design and implementation of the SAASBot, along with the testing and validation of the system.