I'm a Postgraduate Researcher at Monash University.

As a theoretical and compuntational physics researcher originally from Sri Lanka but now based in Melbourne, Australia, I am deeply devoted to discovering new avenues in the exciting fields of nanoscale electronics and photonics.  The main areas of my research are centered around nanoplasmonics, low-dimensional systems, and the Floquet engineering of nanostructures.

Professional Experience

Monash University, Clayton, Australia 

Associate Unit Coordinator: Aug 2022 - Present

• Engineering electromagnetics [ECE3121].

Monash University, Clayton, Australia 

Teaching Associate: Feb 2020 - Present

• Advanced engineering data analysis [ENG6001].

Engineering mobile apps [ENG1003].

Engineering electromagnetics [ECE3121].

Introduction to databases [FIT9132].

Engineering smart systems [ENG1013].

WSO2, Sri Lanka 

Senior Software Engineer: Oct 2019 - Feb 2020

Design and implement WSO2 Updates tools (Full-Stack). 

• Implementation of TOML reader for Ballerina Language.

Software Engineer: Feb 2018 - Oct 2019

Design and implement WSO2 products on distributed cloud platforms.

Design and implement WSO2 products on containerized product deployment platorms.

Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

Research Officer (Intern): Aug 2016 - Jan 2017

Used Deep Learning and Machine Learning tools to identify image semantic similarities.


Monash University, Clayton, Australia 

PhD - Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering: Feb 2020 - Present

Research Advisors: Prof. Malin Premaratne, Prof. Wenlong Cheng.

Thesis Title: Floquet engineering of nanostructures.

Australian Government RTP Scholarship, Monash International Tuition Scholarship.

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

BSc (Hons) - Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering: Jan 2014 - Jan 2018

• Academic Standing: First Class.

Overall GPA: 4.00/4.20.

Sri Lanka Government Mahapola Scholar, Dialog Merit Scholar

Dharmaraja College, Sri Lanka

GCE A-Level Examination (Physical Science): Aug 2010 - Aug 2012

Z-Score: 2.5347.

National Rank: 56th of 250,000+ candidates.

Best Student in Academics in 2012 from 5,000+ students.

Honors and Awards

Monash Postgraduate Publication Award: Aug 2022

The Postgraduate Publications Award (PPA) funds high-achieving students with sharing their research findings with the wider public through publishing in professional journals or books. 

Monash Graduate Research Travel Grant: Jul 2022

Monash Graduate Research Office offered to participate in an academic conference took place in Berlin, Germany.

SPIE Student Conference Support Award: Jul 2022

Supplemental travel grant by SPIE to deliver a paper presentation at the SPIE Sensors + Imaging conference.

Australian Government RTP Scholarship: Feb 2020

Research Training Program (RTP) scholarships are fiercely competitive and awarded based on exceptional academic achievements, with research publications carrying significant weight in the selection process.

Prof. K.K.Y.W. Perera Award at University of Moratuwa: Dec 2018

Award for Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering graduate who has obtained the highest grade point average considering all subjects offered at final year.

First place in International Autonomous Robotics Challenge: Mar 2016

At the Techkriti science and technology festival organized by Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.

Third place in International Autonomous Robotics Challenge: Mar 2015

At the Techfest science and technology festival organized by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.

Bronze medal for International Physics Olympiad: Jul 2013

At the 44th IPhO 2013 organized by Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Represented Sri Lanka in Asian Physics Olympiad: May 2015

At the 14th APhO 2013 organized by Surya Institute, Bogor, Indonesia.

Gold medal for Sri Lanka Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad: Apr 2012

Organized by Institute of Physics Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Silver medal for Sri Lanka Physics Olympiad: Apr 2012

Organized by Institute of Physics Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka.